Comic Book - noun. A book of comics strips or cartoons, often relating a sustained narrative
Issue - noun. 1.A single copy of a periodical. 2. A point or matter of discussion, debate, or dispute. 3. A misgiving, objection, or complaint
So you’ve found your way to this tiny corner of the internet and perhaps you have found yourself interested enough to wonder what the heck this is all about. This blog was mostly created as an outlet for all of my comic rants and thoughts, as I seem to have very few friends who are currently reading the same comics as me. I also wanted to encourage those friends to read some of the comics I like (the really good ones) and the thought of being able to put it all down in one easy to find place was very appealing. I’m not an industry insider or anything. I’m just a girl who likes comics and wants to share the love with others.
As I was setting up this blog it evolved into a sort of pull list maintenance system. It’s a look at how I am managing my pull list, as well as my thoughts on what is and isn’t worth being on the list. It’s biased to my tastes, but hopefully people who have similar interests can find some of my opinions or research helpful. I will include links to other websites (run by people who know more than me and have far better connections) that I find helpful in my search for information about upcoming comics. There will also probably be the occasional rant or two about something that is happening in the wide world of comics.
I use the label system, so if there is one feature you find particularly interesting you can find it easily. Or if you only find one thing interesting and wish to ignore the rest. I’m all about trying to be reader friendly.
I love comments, even if you don’t agree with me. I simply ask that everyone respects that other people can like different things than you do. If you think I’m really wrong about the quality of a comic, feel free to speak up about your own opinion, but let’s leave the name calling and such on the elementary school playgrounds. We’re all adults here (and if you’re not, through the wonder of the internet you can pretend to be). I’m not claiming to be an expert or to know more than you do.
I’m hoping to convince my fiancĂ© to contribute to this blog as well. He has different tastes and opinions than I do and I think it would help the blog to be more interesting if you can read the thoughts of someone other than me every once and a while.